Top 10 XishuangBanna Tourist Attractions and Things To Do Rated on TripAdvisor

As one of the key tourism cities in China, Xishuangbanna is famous for its magnificent tropical rainforest scenery and traditional minority customs. Besides, its special geographical position – borders Laos and Burma, adjacent Thailand and Vietnam, made it the important access to Southeast and South Asia and the gateway of Yunnan Province opening to the outside world.The following is the top 10 XishuangBanna Tourist attractions and things to do rated on TripAdvisor.

1. XiShuangBanNa Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences

XiShuangBanNa Tropical Botanical Garden is a comprehensive botanical garden integrating tropical scientific research, species conservation and popular science education. It is the botanical garden with the largest area, the richest species collected and the largest number of specialized botanical gardens in China.

2. WangTianShu Scenic Spot

Wangtianshu Scenic Attraction is the only oasis at 21 degrees north latitude, and has been recognized internationally as China’s unique tropical rainforest. What is the most impressive in the park are the towering Shorea chinens is (Sky Trees) that are the rainforest iconic images in South and Southeast Asia. An Air Corridor (Kong Zhong Zou Lang), 2500 meters long and 36 meters high, has been built on the high canopies. It remains a challenge to both visitors and scientists.

3. Xishuangbanna Dai Nationality Garden

Xishuangbanna Dai Garden consists of the five best-preserved Dai natural villages. Entering the gate of the scenic spot, the first is the welcome square, where enthusiastic Dai people dance welcome dances. The most solemn festival for Dai people in Xishuangbanna is the Water Splashing Festival. The lively scenes of the Water Splashing Festival can be felt every day in the Water Splashing Square of the Dai Garden.

4. Gajah Liar Valley (Wild Elephant Valley)

Jinghong Wild Elephant Valley Forest Park is a special theme park for Wild Asian Elephant sightseeing and observing and rainforest sightseeing. With h ills rolling gently at an altitude ranging between 747 and 1055 metres, the valley is covered by tropical rain forests, crisscrossed by rivers and streams, and teeming with such endangered species as Asian wild elephants, wild oxen, green peacocks and monkeys.

5. Peacock Garden, Sipsongpanna

Peacock Lake which covers an area of 18,700 square meters is situated in the center of Jinghong City, the lake was built as a townspeople park since 1977. In the park, there are styles of pavilions, exotic flowers and rare herbs. Peacock Lake is surrounded by lake water in three sides, with peacocks, foxes, wild boar, monkeys, and other rare animals.

6. Tropical Flower Garden

Tropical Flower Garden is situated in downtown Jinghong City, It is an assembly for scientific research, popularization of science, tourism, and holidays, where various flowers and plants are well preserved as well as nearly 1000 species of economic plants. When you wander in the park, you will find it a beautiful world with rare flowers, extraordinary trees and colorful plants.

7. Manting Park

Manting Park is the oldest garden in Xishuangbanna area. It used to be the imperial garden in ancient times.In the day time, people can appreciate the beauty of varied tropical plants and creatures, but at night, a different experience can let the tourists get a closer look of local customs and culture – Minority Dancing Show and Bonfire Party.

8. Jinuo Mountain

Jinuo Mountain Village is the traditional ethnic culture protection area of Xishuangbanna Prefecture. It is the essential window to learn more about Jinuo culture and also the only one place to show Jinuo culture through local performance. Jinuo Mountain is also the famous tea mountain.

9. Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park

Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park is located in Jinghong City. This forest park is very famous. Tourists from home and abroad come here to see peacocks, various plants and various rare treasures. Moreover, Xishuangbanna is very close to Southeast Asian countries, so it also feels like a Southeast Asian country.

10. Gaozhuang Night Market

Gaozhuang night market is located in Jinghong city and is a very interesting place. Xishuangbanna is located in a tropical region, where fruits abound. You can eat all kinds of fruits in this night market, even fruits you have never seen before. The stalls here also sell all kinds of snacks and various things related to ethnic minorities.

These are the top 10 XishuangBanna tourist attractions and to-do items selected by TripAdvisor. If you want to know more about other XishuangBanna tourist attractions, you can inquire on the website or consult relevant staff.