Village of Mosuo Ethnic People in Yunnan Ethnic Villages, Kunming

Plan your Kunming Ethnic Villages Tour to Kunming? Visit Village of Mosuo Ethnic People in Yunnan Ethnic Villages in Xishan District, Kunming which is one of the most fascinating ethnic villages in Kunming. Explore the local folk ethnic culture including History, Food and Dining, Clothing, Customs and Traditions, Architecture, Festivals, Crafts, Religion, Language of local ethnic people in Village of Mosuo Ethnic People in Yunnan Ethnic Villages in Xishan District, Kunming.

Chinese Name:云南民族村之摩梭之家
English Name: Village of Mosuo Ethnic People in Yunnan Ethnic Villages, Kunming
摩梭之家 壮族村 紧依“泸沽湖”畔建有摩梭人居住的“木 楞房”,这座全部用原木建成的风格古朴的四合寨楼取名为“摩梭之家”。摩梭人居住在滇西北高原永宁地区的泸沽湖畔,人口约8万多,至今 还保留母系氏族和母系家庭的生活习惯。这一奇特的民俗引起了全世界人类学家的关注,由时给摩梭人增添了奇异,神秘的色彩。