Wanjiazhuang Mosque in Mile City, Honghe

Honghe Wanjiazhuang Mosque in Mile City travel guide introduces the main attractions, entrance tickets booking, The best time to visit, How to Get there, the highlights, facts, history, photos, weather, accommodation, visiting routes, travel tips, tour maps of Wanjiazhuang Mosque in Honghe.

Chinese Name: 弥勒万家庄清真寺
English Name: Wanjiazhuang Mosque in Mile City, Honghe

Location: Mile Wanjia Village Mosque, situated in Wanzhai Village, Zhuyuan Town, Mile County, Yunnan Province, China.

History and Background:

  • Established in 1988, funded by local Muslims in November of that year.

Structure and Size:

  • Occupies approximately 0.5 mu (about 0.083 acres) of land.
  • Features a two-story building with facilities including the main prayer hall, bathing rooms, a lecture hall for Imams (阿訇), and the mosque administration office.

Community and Cooperation:

  • Currently serves 55 households totaling 250 people, all adherents of Islam.
  • Includes 5 educators (学董), 1 Imam (阿訇), and 10 assistant Imams (满拉).

Geographic and Transportation Information:

  • Address: Wanzhai Village, Zhuyuan Town, Mile County, Yunnan Province, China.

This mosque, built relatively recently with contributions from the local Muslim community, serves as a center for religious and community activities in Mile County, reflecting the cultural and religious heritage of the region.