Shuanghe Mosque in Zhanyi District, Qujing

Qujing Shuanghe Mosque in Zhanyi District travel guide introduces the main attractions, entrance tickets booking, The best time to visit, How to Get there, the highlights, facts, history, photos, weather, accommodation, visiting routes, travel tips, tour maps of Shuanghe Mosque in Qujing.

Chinese Name:沾益双河清真寺
English Name:Shuanghe Mosque in Zhanyi County, Qujing

Location: Shuanghe Mosque, also known as Shuanghe Qingzhen Mosque, is located in Zhanyi County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province, China.

History and Background:

  • Established before the 19th year of Guangxu reign in the Qing Dynasty (1893 AD).

Structure and Size:

  • Occupies an area of 2 mu (approximately 0.33 acres).
  • Total building area is 120 square meters.
  • The main prayer hall is a flat-roofed structure with an area of 80 square meters.

Historical Development:

  • Founding: Built before 1893 during the Qing Dynasty.
  • Architecture: The main prayer hall is a modest structure reflecting traditional design.

Community and Cooperation:

  • The mosque serves 180 households, totaling 820 people, all belonging to the Hui ethnic group.
  • It houses one copy of the Quran in Arabic script.

Geographic and Transportation Information:

  • Located in Zhanyi County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province, China.

This mosque, with its historical roots dating back to the late Qing Dynasty, continues to play a vital role in the local Hui Muslim community, preserving both religious and cultural traditions in the region.