Why You Ride Motorbike in China

Ride across China on your own motorcycles ! Or simple fly in and join one of our all inclusive tours.
China is the third largest country in terms of area, it has an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. China has more than 5,000 years of alive history. Traveling to China is like traveling to another world. China is an amazing cultural treasure of the world situated in eastern Asia.

Its natural wealth, five millennia of history, and an old continuous civilization, place China as a great travel destination. Numerous historical monuments scattered across the vast territory are vestiges of the ancient Chinese culture. These include: the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, X’ian’s Terracotta Army and Tiananmen Square. The vast land of this country also hosts various natural landscapes, such as the Three Parallel Rivers National Park, the Silk Road, Tibet and Yunnan.

The rapid Chinese’s growth has improved the tourist infrastructure. China has become one of the most visited countries in the World. Nearly 50 million tourists travel to China every year. China shares borders with many countries in central and southeastern Asia.China Motorbike Tour

People choose to ride motorbikes in China for several reasons, each contributing to a unique and adventurous experience:

  1. Exploration of Diverse Landscapes: China boasts diverse landscapes, from bustling cities to remote mountain villages and picturesque countryside. Riding a motorbike allows travelers to explore these varied terrains up close, experiencing the beauty of nature and local cultures firsthand.
  2. Freedom and Flexibility: Motorbikes provide freedom and flexibility in travel that other modes of transport often cannot match. They enable riders to navigate narrow roads, access remote areas, and make spontaneous stops along the way, enhancing the sense of adventure and discovery.
  3. Cultural Immersion: Riding through China allows travelers to immerse themselves in local cultures and traditions. It offers opportunities to interact with locals, visit off-the-beaten-path attractions, and gain a deeper understanding of China beyond tourist hotspots.
  4. Challenging Terrain: For adventure enthusiasts, China’s diverse terrain presents a challenge that adds excitement to the journey. From winding mountain roads to rugged off-road trails, motorbikes offer a thrilling way to conquer diverse landscapes and test riding skills.
  5. Unique Travel Experiences: Motorbike trips in China can lead to unique experiences, such as staying in traditional guesthouses, sampling local cuisine, and participating in cultural festivals. These experiences create lasting memories and deepen travelers’ connection to the places they visit.

Overall, riding a motorbike in China appeals to those seeking adventure, cultural exploration, and the freedom to chart their own course through one of the world’s most captivating countries. Whether for a short excursion or an extended journey, motorbike trips in China promise unforgettable experiences and the thrill of discovery.