China Yunnan Birding Tours in September

September in Yunnan offers a diverse array of bird species due to its varied ecosystems ranging from tropical rainforests to high-altitude mountains. Here’s a detailed guide on what birds to watch, where to go birdwatching, and some travel tips for birding enthusiasts:

What Kind of Birds to Watch in Yunnan in September: Birds List

  1. Migratory Birds: September marks the beginning of autumn migration, bringing various species to Yunnan. Look out for:
    • Siberian Rubythroat
    • Yellow-browed Warbler
    • Asian Brown Flycatcher
    • Various Waders
  2. Resident Birds: Yunnan hosts a rich diversity of resident species that can be observed year-round. Some key resident birds include:
    • Yunnan Nuthatch
    • Blue-eared Barbet
    • Lady Amherst’s Pheasant
    • White-eared Sibia
    • Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler
    • Collared Owlet
    • Fire-tailed Sunbird
  3. Specialty Birds: Yunnan is also home to several endemic and localized species that are highlights for birdwatchers:
    • Yunnan Parrotbill
    • Giant Nuthatch
    • White-browed Laughingthrush
    • Slaty Bunting
    • Giant Laughingthrush

      Gaoli Gongshan Mountain and Baihualing Birding Tour
      Gaoli Gongshan Mountain and Baihualing Birding Tour

Where to Take Birdwatching in Yunnan in September

  1. Kunming
    • Locations: Green Lake Park, Western Hills, Dianchi Lake Wetlands.
    • Target Birds: Waterfowl, urban birds, early migrants.
  2. Qujing
    • Locations: Tianshengqiao National Forest Park, Luoping County.
    • Target Birds: Forest birds including Laughingthrushes and Parrotbills.
  3. Yuxi
    • Locations: Fuxian Lake Wetland Park, Xinping County.
    • Target Birds: Waterfowl, raptors around Fuxian Lake.
  4. Baoshan
    • Locations: Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve, Tengchong.
    • Target Birds: High-altitude species like Yunnan Nuthatch and Fulvous Parrotbill.
  5. Lijiang
    • Locations: Yulong Snow Mountain, Lashihai Wetland Park.
    • Target Birds: Alpine and forest birds including Blood Pheasant and Nuthatches.
  6. Puer
    • Locations: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Naban River Reserve.
    • Target Birds: Tropical and montane species in rainforests and riverine habitats.
  7. Zhaotong
    • Locations: Dashanbao Black-necked Crane National Nature Reserve.
    • Target Birds: Hill and grassland birds including Black-necked Crane.
  8. Dehong
    • Locations: Yingjiang County, Ruili.
    • Target Birds: Tropical and subtropical species in forested valleys.
  9. Nujiang
    • Locations: Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve, Bingzhongluo.
    • Target Birds: Endemic and rare species in rugged, mountainous terrain.
  10. Dali
    • Locations: Erhai Lake, Cangshan Mountain.
    • Target Birds: Wetland and forest birds including Black-headed Gulls and Warblers.
  11. Honghe
    • Locations: Yuanyang Rice Terraces, Honghe Hani Rice Terraces.
    • Target Birds: Rice paddies and wetlands attract waterfowl and waders.
  12. Wenshan
    • Locations: Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Puzhehei.
    • Target Birds: Karst landscape species and forest birds like Blue Pitta.
  13. Xishuangbanna
    • Locations: Menglun Tropical Botanical Garden, Dai villages.
    • Target Birds: Tropical and lowland species including Bulbuls and Sunbirds.
  14. Chuxiong
    • Locations: Lufeng Dinosaur Valley, Wuding County.
    • Target Birds: Steppe and forest-edge species in grasslands and scrub habitats.
  15. Diqing
    • Locations: Shangri-La, Potatso National Park.
    • Target Birds: Alpine species and montane forest birds like Rosefinches.
  16. Lincang
    • Locations: Nangunhe Nature Reserve, Lancang River.
    • Target Birds: Lowland and mountainous species including Laughingthrushes.

Birdwatching Travel Tips in Yunnan in September

  • Weather: September weather in Yunnan is generally mild with occasional rain showers. Bring lightweight rain gear and dress in layers.
  • Guides: Hire local birding guides who know the area well and can spot elusive species.
  • Equipment: Essential gear includes binoculars, a field guide, and a camera with a telephoto lens for photography.
  • Altitude: Some areas like Diqing and parts of Lijiang are at high altitudes. Acclimate slowly to prevent altitude sickness.
  • Respect Wildlife: Observe birds from a distance to avoid disturbing them, especially during nesting or feeding times.
  • Accommodations: Stay in birding-friendly accommodations near key birding sites for early morning outings.


September is an excellent month for birdwatching in Yunnan, offering a blend of resident species and early migratory birds. Plan your itinerary based on specific birding interests and regions to maximize your birdwatching experience in this biodiverse province of China.