Yunnan Dianhong Group Company Limited in Fengqing County, Lincang

Chinese Name:凤庆县滇红集团股份有限公司(前凤庆茶厂)
English Name:Dianhong Group Black Tea Factory in Fengqing County, Lincang(Former Fengqing Tea Factory)
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Lincang Yunnan Dianhong Black Tea Group in Fengqing County travel guide introduces the main attractions, entrance tickets booking, The best time to visit, How to Get there, the highlights, facts, history, photos, weather, accommodation, visiting routes, travel tips, tour maps of Yunnan Dianhong Black Tea Group in Lincang(凤庆县滇红集团股份有限公司).

Company Name: Yunnan Dianhong Group Co., Ltd
Headquarters in Kunming: Yuntong Technology Park, No. 625, 2nd Ring West Road, Kunming, Yunnan, China
Headquarters in Fengqing: No. 27, North Gate of Fengqing County Town, Lincang City, Yunnan, China
Establishment: March 1939
Business Scope: Tea, Agriculture, Forestry, and Poverty Alleviation Projects
Fixed Assets: 673 million RMB
Number of Employees: 526
Chairman and CEO: Wang Tianquan
Current Tea Plantation Area: 30,700 hectares (including 20,000 hectares certified by Swiss IMO as organic tea)
Annual Production and Processing Capacity: 15,000 tons
Honors and Recognitions: National Quality Silver Award, Famous Chinese Tea, National Foreign Affairs Gift Tea, “China Tea Brand,” and “Yunnan Province Famous Trademark”

Major Honors and Qualifications

  1. National Poverty Alleviation Leading Enterprise: Recognized as a national-level leading enterprise in poverty alleviation, actively participating in and promoting poverty alleviation projects to boost local economic development and social stability.
  2. Yunnan Provincial Key Leading Enterprise in Agricultural Industrialization: A key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization within Yunnan Province, contributing to the modernization of agriculture.
  3. Yunnan Provincial Key Leading Enterprise in Forestry Industry: Holds a prominent position as a provincial key leading enterprise in the forestry industry, involved in the conservation and development of forest resources.
  4. Leading Enterprise in Yunnan Tea Industry: A leading enterprise in the Yunnan tea industry, exerting significant influence in tea production, processing, and market development.
  5. Top 100 Enterprises in the National Tea Industry: Honored for five consecutive years as one of the top 100 enterprises in the national tea industry, reflecting outstanding achievements in tea production and brand building.
  6. National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project Protection Unit: In November 2019, recognized as a protection unit for the craft of producing black tea (specifically Dianhong black tea), highlighting its crucial role and contribution to traditional tea-making craftsmanship preservation and inheritance.

Company Development and Production Capacity

  • Production Scale: Annual production and processing capacity of 15,000 tons, supplying a large quantity of high-quality Dianhong black tea products to the market.
  • International Certification: 20,000 hectares of the company’s tea plantations are certified as organic tea by Swiss IMO, demonstrating its commitment to environmental protection and organic agriculture.

Corporate Mission and Social Responsibility

  • Mission: Committed to promoting local economic growth, improving farmer incomes, and advancing the inheritance and innovation of tea culture through tea industry development.
  • Social Responsibility: Actively engages in community development and public welfare activities, supporting education, healthcare, and infrastructure construction, contributing to social harmony.

The above information illustrates the significant position and influence of Yunnan Dianhong Group Co., Ltd in the Chinese tea industry, as well as its active contributions to economic, social, and cultural development.

Chairman’s Profile

Name: Wang Tianquan
Birthplace: Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China
Education: Graduated in 1982 with a degree in Mechanical Manufacturing from Guangxi University
Current Positions: Chairman and CEO of Fengtang Group, Yunnan Dianhong Group Co., Ltd., and Yunnan Sunshine Sugar Co., Ltd.
Additional Roles:

  • Executive Director of China Sugar Association
  • Visiting Professor at Guangxi University
  • Executive Director of Guangxi Systems Engineering Society
  • Chairman of Guangxi Sugar Making Committee
  • Standing Committee Member of Lincang City Political Consultative Conference
  • Executive Committee Member of Lincang City Federation of Industry and Commerce
  • Standing Committee Member of Yunxian and Fengqing County Political Consultative Conference
  • Vice President of Yunxian Federation of Industry and Commerce

Honors and Awards:

  • One of Yunnan Province’s Top 100 Outstanding Industrial Entrepreneurs
  • Outstanding Builder of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in Yunnan Province
  • Star Entrepreneur of Non-Public Enterprises in Yunnan Province
  • Outstanding Member of the Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

Mr. Wang Tianquan is also the first Chinese entrepreneur honored as an “Ambassador of Love” by the China Disabled Persons’ Federation.

Group Introduction

Company Name: Yunnan Dianhong Group Co., Ltd.
Formerly Known As: Established in 1939 as Shunning Experimental Tea Factory, renamed Yunnan Fengqing Tea Factory in 1954, birthplace of China’s famous “Dianhong” black tea.
Restructuring: Approved by Yunnan Provincial Reform Commission in 1996, transformed into Yunnan Dianhong Group Co., Ltd.
Total Assets: 413 million RMB (excluding intangible assets such as brand value of 260 million RMB)
Tea Plantation Area: 30,700 hectares (including 20,000 hectares certified as organic tea by Swiss IMO)
Processing Facilities: 85 primary processing factories located in Fengqing and Gengma counties
Key Achievements:

  • Designated National Export Point for Black Tea
  • Producer of the “Standard Physical Sample” for National Black Tea
  • Dianhong Fuhao Supreme Tea was recognized as the official foreign affairs gift tea in 1958, presented to Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom during her visit to China by then Yunnan Provincial Governor Zhi Qiang in 1986.
  • In December 2006, the “Dianhong Tea” series was awarded the title of “Embassy Special Gift Tea” by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.
  • In 2008, “Dianhong Fuhao Supreme Tea” was designated as the “Special Gift Tea for Beijing Paralympic Games.”
  • In June 2009, accompanied by Secretary-General Hu Jintao, Yunnan Dianhong Group visited Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine as part of the Chinese economic and trade delegation.
  • In September 2010, Yunnan Dianhong Group joined the Yunnan Provincial Government delegation to conduct business inspections in Sri Lanka.
  • In December 2010, accompanied by Premier Wen Jiabao, Yunnan Dianhong Group joined the Chinese economic and trade delegation to India, Pakistan, and other countries for business inspections.
  • In 2011, products including “Dayun Red Fragrance” were designated as authorized products for the 26th World University Summer Games in Shenzhen.
  • In February 2012, Vice Premier of the State Council, Hui Liangyu, visited Lincang to inspect the Dianhong tea industry and the production process of “Feng” brand Dianhong tea.

Brand Recognition:

  • Registered “Feng” trademark in 1983, recognized as a Famous Trademark of Yunnan Province
  • “Feng” brand black tea has been consecutively recognized as a Famous Product of Yunnan Province
  • In April 2011, “Feng” brand black tea was awarded the title of “China Time-Honored Brand” by the Ministry of Commerce of China.
  • In April 2012, the “Feng” brand trademark of Yunnan Dianhong Group was officially recognized as a “China Well-Known Trademark” by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Industry Accolades:

  • Awarded National Silver Quality Award multiple times
  • Several products received Gold Awards and titles such as “Tea King”
  • Recognized as a National Poverty Alleviation Leading Enterprise, Key Leading Enterprise in Agricultural Industrialization in Yunnan Province, Provincial Key Leading Enterprise in Forestry Industry, and one of the Top 100 Enterprises in the National Tea Industry.

Tea Scientific Research Institute: With a history of over 30 years, the institute possesses a large-scale tea tree germplasm nursery and preserves more than 300 excellent tea tree germplasms from across China. It has collected and preserved more than 400 tea tree breeding materials, providing a unique research and development platform for the sustainable development of the enterprise. In 2008, Yunnan Dianhong Group was recognized as a Provincial Enterprise Technology Center by the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission.

This profile outlines the extensive contributions and achievements of Yunnan Dianhong Group Co., Ltd., highlighting its leadership in the tea industry, commitment to quality, and significant role in economic, social, and cultural development.

Development Milestones

1939: Established Shunning Experimental Tea Factory.
1954: Renamed to Yunnan Fengqing Tea Factory with the county’s name change, birthplace of China’s famous “Dianhong” black tea.
1996: Approved by Yunnan Provincial Reform Commission, Yunnan Fengqing Tea Factory restructured into Dianhong Group.
1958: Recognized as China’s official diplomatic gift tea.
1986: Presented as a state gift to Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom by He Zhiqiang, then Yunnan Provincial Governor, during her visit to China.
2003: Yunnan Dianhong Group became the first to implement organic tea plantation management and obtained Swiss IMO International Certification for organic tea production, marking Yunnan tea’s entry into the global market.
December 2006: “Dianhong Tea” series products awarded “Embassy Special Gift Tea” title by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.
2008: “Dianhong Supreme Gongfu Tea” designated as “Special Gift Tea for Beijing Paralympic Games.”
June 2009: Accompanied Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, on visits to Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine with the Chinese economic and trade delegation.
December 2010: Accompanied Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council with the Chinese economic and trade delegation to India, Pakistan, and other places for business inspections.
2011: Products such as “Dayun Red Fragrance” designated as authorized products for the 26th World University Summer Games in Shenzhen.
April 2011: “Feng” brand black tea awarded the title of “China Time-Honored Brand” by the Ministry of Commerce of China.
February 2012: Vice Premier of the State Council, Hui Liangyu, visited Lincang to inspect the Dianhong tea industry and the production process of “Feng” brand Dianhong tea.
March 2012: Phase I of the Yunnan Dianhong Group Ecological Industrial Park completed with an investment of 168.7 million RMB, focusing on “sterile, dust-free, high-standard” goals. It included establishing standardized production lines for Dianhong tea, Pu’er tea, and green tea, with a total black tea production scale reaching 15,000 tons annually.
April 2012: “Feng” brand trademark of Yunnan Dianhong Group officially recognized as a “China Well-Known Trademark” by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Over the years, Dianhong Gongfu tea has won the National Silver Quality Award multiple times, and several products have received Gold Awards and titles like “Tea King.” Yunnan Dianhong Group is a national poverty alleviation leading enterprise, key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization in Yunnan Province, provincial key leading enterprise in forestry industry, and one of the top 100 enterprises in the national tea industry.
April 2012: Yunnan Dianhong Group’s organic tea plantation management and organic tea production successfully re-certified by Swiss IMO, marking the ninth consecutive year of certification.
April 2012: Collaboration progresses steadily between Yunnan Dianhong Group Tea Science Research Institute and China Academy of Agricultural Sciences Tea Research Institute.
August 2012: Yunnan Dianhong Group awarded the title of “Excellent and Strong Private Enterprise” by the Yunnan Provincial People’s Government; Chairman and CEO Wang Tianquan simultaneously honored as “Outstanding Private Entrepreneur of Yunnan Province.”
October 2012: Yunnan Dianhong Group once again awarded the title of “2012 China Top 100 Tea Industry Enterprises.”
February 2013: According to “Colombo News,” Sri Lanka Investment Promotion Committee approved a joint venture project: Yunnan Dianhong Group will cooperate with a local plantation in Sri Lanka to grow specialty tea for the Chinese market. The newly established joint venture will integrate market resources in Greater China, cultivate, process, and operate high-end “Chinese specialty tea.” The planting base will be located in inland areas of Sri Lanka, managed by the plantation. This joint venture aims to attract more foreign investment to Sri Lanka and promote the country’s tea products in the Chinese market.
March 2013: Yunnan Dianhong Group reached a cooperation agreement with Elpitiya Plantations PLC of Sri Lanka to better promote Chinese black tea in China and South Asia. After the project started, both parties accelerated the research and development and production of new products, complemented each other through trade, increased product variety, and achieved long-term cooperative win-win results, allowing Yunnan black tea to go abroad and maximize internationalization (Sri Lanka is one of the world’s most premium black tea producing areas. Tea, China’s Qimen black tea, India’s Assam black tea and Darjeeling black tea, are known as four of). ” Lion teas”) marketed internationally.