Funing County Entertainment

As for nightlife activities Funning county does not differ a lot from other cities in China. Bars, KTV, disco and other clubs can easily be found around the city.  Goodfellas Bar (乌托邦酒吧 )Yepu  music  bar (夜蒲音乐酒吧).Wenyuan Tea house(文苑茶馆) -You can enjoy your time here.

 Goodfellas Bar 乌托邦酒吧 

 Address:On south of Putting road of Funing county in Wensshan.文山壮族苗族自治州富宁县普厅南路老地方

Yepu  music  bar -夜蒲音乐酒吧 

 Address:No,20 on Wenti road of Funing county in Wenshan文山壮族苗族自治州富宁县文体路20号


Haoledi KTV 好乐迪KTV量贩

Address:Nanduyuan community of Funing county in Wenshan.文山壮族苗族自治州富宁县南都苑小区


Wenyuan Tea house文苑茶馆 

Address:On Wenyuan road of Funning county in Wenshan.文山壮族苗族自治州富宁县文苑路


Lida club  丽大娱乐会所  

Address: On east road of Funning county in Wenshan.文山壮族苗族自治州富宁县环城东路附近