Useful Numbers in Lincang

Lincang Useful Telephone Numbers introduce numbers of police, fire, ambulance, travel service, time check, weather information, post code check, embassy and consulates, taxi dispatch, airport, railway stations, bus stations, medical service incuding Emergency Services,Transportation Service,Credit Card Hotlines,Courier Service,Taxi Service,Government Offices,General Enquities,Customer Service of Banks,Postcode in Lincang….

Lincang Tourism Bureau Website:

Lincang Cultural and Tourism Bureau Contact Information:

  • Office Address:
    No. 350, Century Road, Lincang City, Lincang District
  • Office Hours:
    Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM, 2:30 PM – 6:00 PM, excluding legal holidays.
  • Contact Phone:
  • Fax Number:
  • Postal Code:

Lincang Cultural and Tourism Bureau Departmental Phone Numbers:

  • Office: 2124037
  • Public Service Section: 2124037
  • Smart Tourism Planning Section: 2165366
  • Arts Section: 2123317
  • Cultural Heritage Section: 2165500
  • Cultural Industry Development Section: 2167169
  • Market Management Section (Administrative Approval Section): 2122203
  • Foreign Exchange and Cooperation Section (Market Development Section): 2165366

Lincang Municipal Government Service Hotline

  • Source:
    Municipal Government Office
  • Date:
    March 19, 2022
  • Click Rate:
Service Hotline Number Service Hotline Name Service Hours Scope of Service
12345 Lincang “12345” 24/7 1. Consultation on laws, regulations, rules, and policies; 2. Issues requiring resolution by government departments, public enterprises, and institutions; 3. Feedback, suggestions, or complaints regarding the work style, quality, and efficiency of government departments and public enterprise staff; 4. Comprehensive inquiries about public service information.