Laozhai Monday Market in Mengzi City, Honghe
Chinese Name:蒙自市老寨苗族乡赶集日
English Name: Laozhai Monday Market in Mengzi City, Honghe
Date: Monday
Laozhai Miao Town in Mengzi City is located on the Mengzi’s Border with Pingbian County in Honghe Prefecture and Wenshan Prefecture. It’s 53 kilometers away from the urban area in Mengzi City and covers an area of 157 square kilometers. The maximum elevation reaches 2567.8 meters(the highest point in Mengzi City), while the minimum elevation is 1480m. The average temperature is around 18.8 ℃ and the coldest month average reaches 6.6 ℃. Monday is the market day in Laozhai Miao Town when many people flock to the market place to exchange goods and farm products.