Menghai Mosque in Menghai County, Xishuangbanna

Chinese Name:勐海清真寺
English Name: Menghai Mosque in Menghai County, Xishuangbanna


Menghai Mosque is situated north of Menghai County in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Founded in the 1930s, this mosque has undergone five expansions over its more than 80-year history. With the collective efforts of local Muslims, support from various Islamic communities, and contributions from friends worldwide, the mosque underwent a complete reconstruction in 2015.

Historical Background

  • Establishment: Founded in the 1930s.
  • Expansions: Expanded five times over eight decades.
  • Recent Reconstruction: In 2015, the mosque was reconstructed with an investment exceeding 10 million RMB. It occupies an area of 1300 square meters, with a building area of over 4000 square meters.

Architectural Features

Menghai Mosque centers around a spacious and bright prayer hall that accommodates over 800 worshippers. It includes educational facilities, bathing areas, and a large reception hall, showcasing comprehensive Islamic architectural characteristics. This mosque not only strengthens local Islamic practices but also adds a unique cultural highlight to the beauty of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province.

Muslim Travel Tips for Visitors

  • Respectful Attire: Visitors should dress modestly when visiting the mosque.
  • Timing: Check prayer times if you wish to observe or participate in prayers.
  • Guidance: Respect local customs and seek guidance from mosque authorities for any specific practices or protocols.
  • Photography: Always ask for permission before taking photos inside the mosque.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Embrace the opportunity to learn about Islamic culture and traditions respectfully.

Menghai Mosque stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of Islamic faith and community in Xishuangbanna, making it a meaningful cultural site for both locals and visitors alike.