Tianma (Gastrodia Elata) Steamed Chicken

Tianma (天麻), also known as Gastrodia Elata, is a type of medicinal herb used in traditional Chinese medicine. It’s often incorporated into various dishes for its supposed health benefits, especially in Yunnan cuisine. One notable dish featuring Tianma is Tianma Steamed Chicken ((天麻炖鸡)), which combines the delicate flavors of chicken with the herbal essence of Tianma. Here’s a general outline of how this dish is typically prepared:


  • Whole chicken, preferably free-range or organic
  • Tianma (Gastrodia Elata) slices or powder
  • Ginger, sliced
  • Scallions, chopped
  • Garlic, minced
  • Soy sauce
  • Rice wine
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: Chinese herbs like goji berries or red dates for added flavor

Cooking Method:

  1. Prepare the Chicken: Clean and pat dry the whole chicken. Optionally, you can marinate the chicken with a mixture of soy sauce, rice wine, ginger, garlic, and Tianma slices or powder for a few hours to overnight.
  2. Steam the Chicken: Place the marinated chicken into a steamer. Add more Tianma slices or powder on top of the chicken. If using additional Chinese herbs, scatter them around the chicken.
  3. Steam: Steam the chicken over medium-high heat for about 30-40 minutes, or until the chicken is thoroughly cooked and tender. The cooking time may vary depending on the size of the chicken.
  4. Serve: Once cooked, garnish with chopped scallions and a drizzle of hot oil if desired. Serve the Tianma Steamed Chicken hot with steamed rice or other side dishes.

Flavor Profile:

Tianma lends a subtle, earthy flavor to the chicken, complementing its natural taste without overpowering it. The gentle steaming process allows the herbal essence of Tianma to infuse into the chicken meat, creating a dish that is both nutritious and flavorful.

Health Benefits:

In traditional Chinese medicine, Tianma is believed to have various health benefits, such as promoting blood circulation, relieving headaches, and improving overall vitality. When combined with chicken, it creates a dish that not only tastes good but is also considered beneficial for health.

Tianma Steamed Chicken is a traditional delicacy in Yunnan cuisine, appreciated for its simplicity, herbal infusion, and wholesome taste.