12 Days Dulongjiang River Valley Hiking Tour with Nujiang Grand Canyon

Deep within the heart of China lies the mystical Dulong River Canyon, a towering gorge that plunges from 1,000 to 4,936 meters into the clouds. This untouched wilderness is a treasure trove of natural wonders, with an unspoiled landscape and a rich tapestry of flora and fauna. The harsh, snowy climate has preserved this secret world, making it a true gem for those who dare to venture forth. Known as “the Natural Museum of Wild Plants,” the Dulong River is a testament to the power of nature’s splendor. For centuries, the Dulong people have thrived in this unforgiving environment, their ancient culture woven into the very fabric of the land. Few travelers have beheld this breathtaking beauty, but those who do are forever changed by the experience.


Explore the remote and pristine Dulongjiang River Valley, often referred to as the “Last Shangri-La” due to its untouched natural beauty and isolation.Hike through the stunning Nujiang Grand Canyon, one of the deepest and most spectacular canyons in the world.Discover the unique culture and traditions of the Dulong people, an ancient ethnic minority group.Enjoy breathtaking scenery and diverse flora and fauna in this unspoiled wilderness area.


    • Nujiang Gran Canyon;
    • The suspension bridge experience;
    • Dulongjiang River Valley
    • Gaoligongshan Mountain hiking
    • Bingzhongluo Xanadu paradise;

Brief Itinerary

      • Day 1: Kunming-Baoshan-Liuku
      • Day 2: Liuku-Gongshan
      • Day 3: Gongshan-Qiqi
      • Day 4: Qiqi-Dongshaofang
      • Day 5: Dongshaofang-Sandui
      • Day 6: Sandui-Bapo
      • Day 7: Bapo-Qinlangdang
      • Day 8 Qinlangdang-Bapo
      • Day 9 Bapo-Kongdang
      • Day 10 Kongdang-Gongshan-Bingzhongluo
      • Day 11 Bingzhongluo-Liuku
      • Day 12 Departure from Liuku

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1 Kunming-Baoshan-Liuku

Sightseeing and Activities:Speed train from Kunming to Baoshan, Liuku Town, Nujiang River
Accommodation: Liuku Town
Meals: Dinner

  • Unfolding the Journey: A Scenic Adventure Begins
    • Begin your journey by boarding a morning speed train from Kunming to Baoshan.
    • This 4-hour ride will take you through picturesque landscapes and quaint towns.
  •  Arrival in Liuku
    • After arriving in Baoshan, transfer to Liuku, a charming city nestled beside the majestic Nujiang River.
    • This picturesque town is the gateway to the Nujiang Grand Canyon, one of the most stunning natural wonders in China.
  • Sightseeing in Liuku
    • Spend the day exploring Liuku’s rich cultural heritage and breathtaking natural beauty.
    • Take a stroll along the Nujiang River, visit local markets, and discover the unique customs of the local people.
    • Get ready to be mesmerized by the town’s tranquil atmosphere and stunning scenery.
    • Take a morning speed train from Kunming to Baoshan, then transfer to Liuku, the city by the Nujiang River. Sightseeing in Liuku.

Day 2 Liuku-Fugong-Gongshan

Sightseeing and Activities: Nujiang Grand Valley, Suspension Bridge
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Unwind and Unleash Your Sense of Adventure
    •  Start a scenic drive along the Nujiang River from Liuku to Gongshan, a stunning destination that will leave you in awe.
    • As you cruise along the winding roads, take in the breathtaking views of the river valley and surrounding mountains.
  • Unwind at the Hot Spring
    • Take a break at a natural hot spring, where you can soak away your travel fatigue and rejuvenate your senses.
    • The warm waters will prepare you for the adventures that lie ahead.
  •  Experience Local Culture
    • Visit a Nu village, where you’ll get a glimpse into the daily life of the indigenous Nu people. Marvel at their traditional architecture, clothing, and customs.
    • Head to a Lisu village, home to another ancient ethnic minority group. Learn about their history, traditions, and way of life.
  •  Prepare for Trekking
    • As you arrive in Gongshan, prepare for your trekking tour by arranging horses or porters to carry your gear.
    • This will allow you to focus on the stunning scenery and immersive experiences ahead.
  •  Accommodation in Gongshan
    • Stay in a cozy 1-star hotel in Gongshan, where you can rest and recharge for the next day’s adventures.
    • Take this opportunity to relax and acclimate to the high altitude before embarking on your trekking journey.
    • Drive along the Nujiang River from Liuku to Gongshan, on the way, visit a hot spring, a Nu village and a Lisu village.
    • Prepare horses or porters for your trekking tour. Stay in a 1 star hotel in Gongshan.

Day 3 Gongshan-Qiqi

Sightseeing and Activities:the Gaoligong Mountain hiking, Gazhu nature protection station
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Train Schedule: Kunming Railway Station-Dali: D3802 15:28-17:26

  • Trek to Qiqi: Conquering the East Slope of Gaoligong Mountain
    • Begin an epic 20km trek from Gongshan (1450m) to Qiqi (2000m), taking in the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.
    • Today’s journey will take you up the east slope of Gaoligong Mountain, a challenging yet rewarding adventure.
  • Nature Protection Station Stopover
    • As you ascend, stop by the Gazhu Nature Protection Station at 1700m, where you’ll have a chance to rest and refuel for the remainder of your trek.
    • Take in the stunning views of the surrounding landscape and learn about the conservation efforts in this unique ecosystem.
  • Accommodation Options
    • After a long day of trekking, choose between staying in a cozy local guesthouse or pitching a tent to camp under the stars.
    • Either way, you’ll be surrounded by the majestic beauty of Gaoligong Mountain.

Day 4 Qiqi-Dongshaofang

Sightseeing and Activities: Gaoligong Mountain Hiking
Accommodation: Dali Stone Mountain Golf Club Villa
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Trek to Dongshaofang: Reaching New Heights on Gaoligong Mountain
    • Gear up for an 18km trek from Qiqi (2000m) to Dongshaofang (3200m), as you continue your ascent up the east slope of Gaoligong Mountain.
    • The journey will be a challenging but rewarding experience, with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape
  • Stream Crossings Ahead
    • As you make your way to Dongshaofang, be prepared to cross several streams along the way.
    • These refreshing water crossings will provide a welcome respite from the climb, and offer opportunities to spot local wildlife.
  • Camping Under the Stars
    • After a long day of trekking, set up camp in the great outdoors and enjoy the tranquility of the mountain environment.
    • Drift off to sleep under the starry night sky, lulled by the sounds of nature and the thrill of adventure.

Day 5 Dongshaofang to Sandui

Sightseeing and Activities:the west slope of Gaoligong Mountain hiking
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • A Gaoligong Mountain Odyssey
    • Set out on a 5km trek up to the majestic Nanmowang Pass, which sits at an altitude of 3620m. Take in the breathtaking views from the summit and feel a sense of accomplishment as you reach the highest point of your journey.
  • Descent into the Valley
    • After conquering the pass, begin your descent down the west slope of Gaoligong Mountain, winding your way towards Sandui at 2600m. The trek will offer stunning vistas of the surrounding landscape, with the chance to spot local wildlife and enjoy the tranquility of the mountain environment.

Day 6 Sandui to Bapo

Sightseeing and Activities: Dulongjiang River Valley Hiking
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Relaxation Mode Activated
    • As the night falls, the soothing sounds of nature – the gentle rustling of leaves, the chirping of crickets, and the distant flow of the river – will lull you into a peaceful slumber. Your mind will wander back to the memories of your adventure, replaying the highlights and reliving the thrill of exploring this majestic region.
    • An unforgettable Adventure
    • In this tranquil setting, you’ll find yourself rejuvenated and refreshed, ready to take on new challenges and continue your journey.
    • After a day of trekking, relax in a cozy local guesthouse or under the stars, surrounded by the dramatic landscape of the Dulongjiang River valley.
    • Let the soothing sounds of nature lull you into a peaceful slumber, as you reflect on an unforgettable adventure.

Day 7 Bapo to Qinlangdang

Optional Sightseeing and Activities:Dulongjiang River Valley Hiking
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Trekking Adventure Awaits
    • Begin a 30km hike along the majestic Single Dragon River, tracing its path from Bapo to Qinlangdang.
  • Moon Waterfall Marvel
    • As the sun sets, marvel at the breathtaking grandeur of the 120m-high Moon Waterfall, its luminescent beauty illuminated against the night sky.
    • And when the stars come out, set up camp and spend the night under the starry canvas of the universe.

Day 8 Qinlangdang- Bapo

Optional Sightseeing and Activities:Dulongjiang River Valley Hiking
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Return Journey
    • As the morning sun rises, begin your journey back to Bapo, but not before making a detour to discover the authentic charm of a traditional Dulong village.
    • Wander through the rustic streets, immersing yourself in the local culture and way of life.

Day 9 Bapo to Kongdang

Optional Sightseeing and Activities:Dulongjiang River Valley Hiking
Accommodation: Camping
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • River Adventure
    • Start a thrilling adventure along the majestic Single Dragon River, commencing from Bapo and meandering towards Kongdang.
    • As you cruise along, marvel at the series of suspended bridges and immerse yourself in the authentic culture of several Dulong villages.
    • For the night, rest your head at a cozy local guesthouse or under the starry sky, surrounded by nature.

Day 10 Kongdang- to Gongshan-Bingzhongluo

Optional Sightseeing and Activities:Nujiang First Bend, Qiunatong Village, Wuli village;
Accommodation: Bingzhongluo
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Return to Gongshan & Explore Bingzhongluo
    • Return to Gongshan and make your way to Bingzhongluo, a region of unparalleled natural beauty.
    • As you explore this enchanting area, marvel at the Nujiang First Bend, a breathtaking geological wonder.
    • Venture into the picturesque Qiunatong Village and Wuli village, immersing yourself in the rustic charm of rural China.

Day 11 Biznghongluo-Gongshan -Liuku

Optional Sightseeing and Activities:Nujiang Grand Valley
Accommodation: Liuku
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

  • Homeward Bound
    • Depart Gongshan and embark on the scenic drive back to Baoshan, with a stopover in Liuku.
    • Alternatively, opt for a thrilling extension of your journey along the iconic Degong Road, which will take you to the serene Cizhong Village, the majestic Meili Snow Mountain (Feilaisi), the mystical Shangri-La, and the historic Lijiang.

Day 12 Liuku-Baoshan-Kunming

Optional Sightseeing and Activities:Speed train back to Kunming from Baoshan
Accommodation: By your own
Meals: Breakfast,
Transfer to Baoshan, Take a morning speed train from Baoshan back to Kunming, then connect your departure flight back home.
Service ends.

Recommended Hotels

Destination 5 Star 4 Star 3 Star Hostel

Service Included:

  • Admission fees for all of the sightseeing spots listed in the itinerary;
  • Meals as listed in the itinerary;
  • Hotels as listed in the itinerary;
  • Private English-speaking tour guide;
  • Private vehicle for transfers & sightseeing with skilled driver;
  • Service charge & government taxes;
  • Luggage transfers between airports and hotels;
  • High speed train tickets from Kunming to Dali(2nd class seat).

Service Excluded:

  • Any arrival and departure international airfares or train tickets;
  • Chinese visa fees;
  • Excess baggage charged by Airlines;
  • Single room supplement;
  • Tips to guides and drivers;
  • Personal expenses and gratuities to service staff;
  • Personal travel accident insurance;
  • All optional programs.