Zhengzhou – Lijiang Flights

This article is about the flights departing from Zhengzhou(郑州) and arriving at Lijiang(丽江).
Due to the fact that such flights may include multiple transfer, the actual time of arrival may vary.
For worry-free transportation arrangement, please do not hesitate to contact us via Email (contact@YunnanExploration.com) and Telephone(+86-871-63511469).

Zhengzhou – Lijiang Flights

Everyday, there will be around 6 flights departing from Xinzheng Airport (新郑机场), and the schedule is listed as follows:

Flight No. Time of Departure Duration Ticket Price (Economy)
MF1351 09:25 5 hr 10 mins CNY 1,030
CZ3475 09:25 5 hr 10 mins CNY 1,030
JD5646 11:45 3 hr 5 mins CNY 545
8L9820 12:00 3 hrs CNY 527
JD5746 18:50 2 hr 55 mins CNY 645



22:45 8 hrs CNY 548

Stillfor worry-free transportation arrangement, please do not hesitate to contact us via Email (contact@YunnanExploration.com) and Telephone(+86-871-63511469).

Transportation in Yunnan:

Yunnan Travel by Air

Rail Transport in Yunnan

Roads in Yunnan