Things to Do and Attractions in Dali

When you come to Dali, do not worry what to do in Dali. Dali Attractions are abundant and are full of all kinds, including all kinds of natural sceneries, human sceneries and all kinds of villages where you can experience the rich ethnic culture. The scenery of Dali is a picture of “Wind, Flower, Snow, Moon”. You can go boating in Erhai Lake and feel the boundless of the heaven and earth; visit the holy land of Jizu Mountain to listen to the croon of the Sanskrit, and see the light of the Buddha.Under the ssunset, feel the elegance of Dali.And pursue the modern prosperity at the beautiful night.

The Three Pagodas and Chongsheng Monastery in Dali
The Three Pagodas and Chongsheng Monastery in Dali

Top Attractions in Dali

Dali, a place with long history, is always a heaven for many people all over the world. Dali is also a perfect destination for people who want to seek antiquity or explore the fascinating natural sceneries. When you come to Dali, the top attractions in Dali are must-visit.

Ancient Towns in Dali

The ancient towns are full of stories with thousands of years. The ancient towns are also evidences to what happened in the past. Dali Ancient Towns are always full of quietness of life, which are the best places to feel the history.

More about Ancient Towns in Dali.

Best Places for Bird-Watching

Tea Gardens and Tea Factories in Dali

Temples in Dali

Throughout the ages, the temples have carried people’s beautiful sustenance to life, and attract countless believers to come to worship. The temples in Dali can be described as numerous. There is always one that will make you stay and feel the beautiful sceneries of Dali.

More about Buddhist Temples in Dali.

Towers & Pagodas in Dali

Mosques and Churches in Dali

In recent years, with the implementation of ethnic policies, most mosques around the country have been repaired or rebuilt. At present, there are 18 mosques in 14 Hui villages in Dali City. The Ximen Mosque in Dali, built in the 11th Year of Zhiyuan of Yuanshizhu Emperor in Yuan Dynasty(1274), is one of them. If you are a muslim, it is very convenient to find a mosque to pray. What’s more, there are some churches in Dali.

More about Mosques in Dali.

Main Wharves in Dali

When you come to Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, travelling on the Erhai Lake is must-do. The wharves are the places where you can take a Erhai Lake tour by ship.

Parks, Gardens in Dali

Erhai Lake in Dali
Erhai Lake in Dali

Lakes and Ponds in Dali

For those who love the natural sceneries, Dali is really a good choice for you. The beautiful Erhai Lake and the vigorous Cangshan Mountain constituts a beautiful picture, which make people enjoy themselves so much to forget to leave. The Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture has many famous mountains and rivers, which will make you linger.

More about Lakes and Ponds in Dali.

Rivers in Dali

More about Rivers in Dali.

Mountains in Dali

More about Mountains in Dali.

Museums in Dali

Every place has its own history, and museums are the records of historical changes. The wind, flower, snow and moon of Dali make people very easy to forget the glory of Dali. If you are interested in the history of Dali, the museums will be a good choice for you.

Ethnic Towns in Dali

If you are interested in the ethnic culture, these ethnic towns are the be places to experience the rich ethnic culture atmosphere.

More about Ethnic Towns in Dali.

Traditional Ethnic Villages in Dali

It is said that traditional Chinese villages generally refer to villages that are formed earlier, with rich cultural and natural resources, with certain historical, cultural, economic, and social values. The traditional villages in Dali are among the best in Yunnan Province. If you are interested in Chinese traditional culture, these traditional villages will be a good choice for you.

More about Dali Ethnic Traditional Villages.

Historical & Cultural Sites in Dali

Other Attractions in Dali