Ancient Tea Plantations of Yubishan Mountain in Jingdong County, Puer

Chinese Name:景东县御笔山古茶园
English Name:The Ancient Tea Plantations in Yubishan Mountain of Jingdong County, Puer
Puer Ancient Tea Plantations of Yubishan Mountain Travel: Entrance Tickets, Travel Tips, Photos and Maps||Puer Puer Ancient Tea Plantations of Yubishan Mountain in Jingdong County, travel guide introduces the main attractions, entrance tickets booking, The best time to visit, How to Get there, the highlights, facts, history, photos, weather, accommodation, visiting routes, travel tips, tour maps of Ancient Tea Plantations of Yubishan Mountain in Puer(景东县御笔山古茶园).

Located in the southernmost of Jingdong County(景东县), the Imperial Pen Ancient Tea Mountain(御笔古茶山) or Yubishan Mountain covers 279 hectares, and which was distributed in block-shaped. The tea of Wenjing Town(文井镇), Bingbi(丙必村), Qingliang (清凉村), Shanxin Village (山心村) , Zhupeng(竹蓬村) and the ecological tea of Jinping Town(锦屏镇), Shanchong Village (山冲村)are the typical plants in this area.

Geographic Position

The Imperial Pen Ancient Tea Mountain(御笔古茶山) is the epitome of “a blessed place, Jingdong(景东县) in Wuliang Mountain(无量山)with promising future ”. With the continuous investigation and exploration of Yinsheng culture (银生文化), the Imperial Pen Ancient Tea Mountain(御笔古茶山) has gradually received increasingly attention. The Imperial Pen Ancient Tea Mountain’(御笔古茶山) altitude is from 1600 to 2000 meters, yearly average temperature is 13.5℃, annual precipitation is 1300 millimeter, and the soil classifies as red sandy soil. It’s planted tea trees 12600 acres, and about 4800 acres are planted ancient tea trees.

The Imperial Pen Ancient Tea Mountain (御笔古茶山) is one of the ancient tea mountain among 26 mountains in Pu’er City(普洱市,in the southwest of Yunnan Province). It located in the Wuliang Mountain(无量山) in which is a national natural reserve, and the distance between it and Jingdong County is 9 kilometers, and its altitude is from 1700 to 2150 meters. The ancient tea plantation includes Wukezhuang(五棵桩), Caizidi(菜子地), Dengjiagu(邓家古) and Gaolaozhuang(高老庄), etc. The Imperial Pen Ancient Tea Mountain (御笔古茶山) is the mirror of Jingdong with gorgeous scenery, pleasant climate and nomascus nasutus’s singing.

The source and center of world tea

Pu’er was awarded “the source and center of world tea” by the International Tea Committee in 2013, and Pu’er has become the only complete biological chain in tea family’s vertical evolution in the world. The Imperial Pen Ancient Tea Mountain (御笔古茶山) is one of the significant ancient tea mountain recorded by Chuo FAN(樊绰) in <Man Shu>(《蛮书》, a kind of historical book which recorded the events in Nanzhao) who lived in Tang Dynasty.

Quality And Characteristics

The Pu’er Tea made from raw material coming from the Imperial Pen Ancient Tea Mountain (御笔古茶山) has remarkable characteristics. Its samples seem that every tea leaves are bright red in color, compact in shape. And tea liquid is bright yellow in color, obvious bitter and short astringent in taste. Lasting sweet and elegant aroma is the attraction of the tea. You will enlightened by the smell of the tea, just like you are walking in the forest with lingering flavor.
Translated bu Chen Linxiu/陈林秀
Chinese Version: