13 Days Best Yunnan Tea Tour with Xilinshan Tea and The Ancient Tea Horse Road Hiking

Dianhong Black Tea and Puer Tea stand out as two renowned teas from Yunnan Province and China. Exploring the cultures surrounding Puer Tea and Dianhong Black Tea offers a unique and enriching experience during your Yunnan tour. Delving into the mysterious tea culture of Yunnan promises to create lasting memories. This 11-day tour extends your tea culture journey, providing ample time to visit prominent tea plantations, tea factories, and gain deeper insights into the history, evolution, and artisanal techniques involved in crafting Dianhong Black Tea and Puer Tea.


Embark on a transformative 13-day journey through Yunnan on our Best Yunnan Tea Tour, highlighting the essence of Xilinshan Tea and the storied Ancient Tea Horse Road. Begin your adventure immersing in the lush landscapes and rich traditions of Yunnan’s tea culture. Explore the intricate art of Xilinshan Tea amidst breathtaking mountain vistas, where ancient tea trees yield flavors steeped in history. Traverse the legendary Ancient Tea Horse Road on exhilarating hikes, tracing the footsteps of ancient traders and discovering hidden tea villages nestled in pristine wilderness. This immersive tour promises a blend of cultural exploration and natural beauty, offering an unforgettable odyssey through Yunnan’s tea heritage.


  • Xilinshan Tea Plantation: Visit one of the most famous tea plantations in Yunnan, learn about the tea production process, and taste some of the best teas produced here.
  • Traditional Tea-Making Techniques: Learn about the traditional tea-making techniques from local tea farmers and experience the process firsthand.
  • Ancient Tea Horse Road: Hike along the ancient Tea Horse Road, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and enjoy stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
  • Tiger Leaping Gorge: Hike along the Jinsha River and enjoy breathtaking views of the deepest river canyon in the world.
  • Local Villages: Visit local villages and experience the daily life of tea farmers, including traditional tea ceremonies and home-cooked meals.
  • Tibetan Culture: Explore Tibetan culture in Zhongdian (Shangri-La) and Deqin, including visits to monasteries and traditional Tibetan homes.
  • Stunning Natural Scenery: Enjoy stunning natural scenery throughout the tour, including mountains, valleys, and rivers.
  • Local Markets: Visit local markets in Lincang, Fugong, and Dali to see the daily tea trading scene and shop for souvenirs.
  • Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in Yunnan’s rich cultural heritage, including its tea culture, Tibetan culture, and history.

Breif Itinerary

  • Day 1 Arrive in Kunming
  • Day 2 Kunming to Dali by Train
  • Day 3 Dali-Xiaowan-Fengqing
  • Day 4 Fengqing
  • Day 5 Fengqing-Ancient Tea Horse Road Hiking-Xilinshan
  • Day 6 Xilinshan-Yunxian-Lincang
  • Day 7 Lincang-Xigui-Mengku
  • Day 8 Mengku-Menglian-Lancang-Jingmai
  • Day 9 Jingmai Tea Mountain
  • Day 10 Jingmai-Menghai County-Jinghong
  • Day 11 Jinghong-Yiwu
  • Day 12 Yiwu-Menglun-Jinghong
  • Day 13 Departure from Puer to Kunming

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1 Arrive in Kunming

Sightseeing and Activities: Arrive in Kunming
Accommodation: Kangle and Bangsheng Tea Wholesales Markets
Meals: None

  • Welcome to Kunming, the Spring City of China! Discover the Charm of Kunming!
    •  If schedules allow, you will venture to the bustling Kangle Tea Wholesale Market and Bangsheng Tea Wholesale Markets in southern Kunming, where the vibrant atmosphere and colorful stalls offer a sensory experience like no other.

Day 2 Kunming to Dali by Train

Sightseeing and Activities: Kunming to Dali by Train
Accommodation: Dali
Meals: Breakfast

  • Arrival in Kunming: The Gateway to Yunnan’s Hidden Gems
    • As you arrive in Kunming, the friendly driver will be waiting for you at the airport or train station, ready to whisk you away to the city’s central train station.
    • From there, you’ll board the high-speed train to Dali, a scenic 2-hour journey that whisks you away to a world of ancient charm.
  • Exploring the Flavors and Landscapes of Yunnan
    • Your journey begins with a visit to the Xiaguan Tuocha Tea Factory, where you’ll delve into the art of tea-making and discover the secrets behind Dali’s famous tea blends.
    • Afterward, you will make your way to Dali Ancient Town, a historic gem steeped in tradition and surrounded by breathtaking landscapes.

Day 3 Dali-Xiaowan-Fengqing

Sightseeing and Activities:Xiaowan Dam, Lancang-Mekong River, Xiangzhuqing Ancestor Tea
Accommodation: Fengqing
Meals: Breakfast

  • Embark on a Journey Along the Lancang-Mekong River
    • Meet your driver and local guide, and you will set off on an adventure along the majestic Lancang-Mekong River, the upper reach of the Mekong River in China.
    • The first stop is the stunning Xiaowan Dam, an arch dam that soars 292 meters (958 ft) above the river. Completed in 2010, this engineering marvel is one of the world’s highest arch dams and supports a massive 4,200 MW power station.
  • Unveiling the Secrets of Ancient Tea Trees
    • Then you will continue your journey to Xiangzhuqing village in Xiaowan township of Fengqing County, where you’ll visit the revered Xiangzhuqing Ancient Tea Tree or Jinxiu Ancient Tea Tree.
    • This colossal tree, affectionately known as the “Mother of Tea Trees,” stands tall at 35 feet high and boasts a circumference that can fit eight people holding outstretched hands. With a recorded history spanning over 3,200 years, this ancient tree is a true marvel.
  • Unveiling the Secrets of Ancient Tea Trees
    • Next, you will continue our journey to Xiangzhuqing village in Xiaowan township of Fengqing County, where you will visit the revered Xiangzhuqing Ancient Tea Tree or Jinxiu Ancient Tea Tree(锦绣古茶树).
    • This colossal tree, affectionately known as the “Mother of Tea Trees,” stands tall at 35 feet high and boasts a circumference that can fit eight people holding outstretched hands. With a recorded history spanning over 3,200 years, this ancient tree is a true marvel.
  • Tea Oasis in Fengqing County
    • In the afternoon, you’ll transfer to Fengqing County Town and visit the 3200 Tea Garden of Wyndm Hotel.
    • Take a leisurely stroll through the gardens and enjoy a refreshing hike around the tea plantations.
    • As the sun sets, indulge in a refined cup of Dianhong Black tea and partake in a traditional tea art ceremony.

Day 4 Fengqing

Sightseeing and Activities: Dianhong Tea Factory, Anshi tea plantation, Fengqing Cunfucius Temple, Fengqing Black Tea Market
Accommodation: Fengqing
Meals: Breakfast

  • Delving into Yunnan’s Tea Heritage
    • This morning, you will start a journey through Yunnan’s rich tea culture by visiting the Dianhong Tea Museum, former Fengqing Tea Factory, and Fengqing Tea Research Center(凤庆县茶科所).
    • Get an insider’s look at the history and production of Yunnan black tea, also known as Dianhong.
  • Exploring the World of Black Tea
    • After lunch, you will take a tour of the Dianhong Tea Factory (凤庆县工业区滇红集团) and Anshi tea village and plantation(中国滇红诞生地安石) .
    • Learn about the drying process of tea leaves and production methods while sampling some of the finest black teas.
    • With its unique flavor profile, featuring delicate smokiness, caramel, and cocoa notes, Yunnan black tea is a treat for tea connoisseurs.
  • Uncovering Fengqing’s Hidden Gem
    • In the afternoon, you’ll visit the Fengqing Cunfucius Temple, a tranquil oasis in the heart of the city.
    • Next, explore the bustling Fengqing Black Tea Market, where you can discover a variety of teas and tea-related products.
  • A Night of Fine Dining
    • Tonight, you’ll enjoy dinner at Tongxin Fine Food Restaurant, courtesy of our host Li Dehua  (李德华), a classmate of Charlie’s. Savor a delightful culinary experience with friends old and new.

Day 5 Fengqing-Ancient Tea Horse Road Hiking-Xilinshan Tea Garden-Anhe

Sightseeing and Activities: Daxueshan Mountain, Dawanshui River, Sanchahe River, The Ancient Wild Tea Forest, Wanshoushan Montain, Xilinshan Tea Mountain
Accommodation: Xilinshan Tea Factory
Meals: Breakfast

  • Aromatic Beginnings
    • In the morning, indulge in a rich and creamy cup of Dianhong milk black tea at the hotel reception.
    • Did you know that Yunnan black tea is fermented and roasted, allowing its unique flavor profile to shine?
    • Drinking it with milk can even have health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and protecting the stomach lining.
  • Embarking on a Journey
    • Then you will start our adventure with a drive to Shidongsi Temple, also known as Stone Cave Temple(石洞寺).
    • From there, you’ll start a scenic hike along the Ancient Tea Horse Road, tracing the route from Shidongsi to Fengqing Big Snow Mountain. Along the way, you’ll visit ancient tea trees in their natural habitat within Wanshoushan Mountain.
    • After six hours of hiking, we’ll reach Jiuyaojie Mountain Pass and enjoy breathtaking views of the Xilinshan tea area.
  • Camping under the Stars
    • As the day comes to a close, you’ll arrive at Tangzikou Village(塘子口) and complete our Ancient Tea Horse Road hiking adventure.
    • You’ll set up camp near a tea garden, surrounded by the serene beauty of nature.
    • Tonight, you’ll gather around a roaring bonfire, courtesy of our local tea farmer friends, and enjoy a night under the stars in Anhe Village, the birthplace of Xilinshan Ancient Tea.
  • A Special Treat
    • The local government has kindly supported our tea tour and arranged for a unique experience in Anhe Village of Xueshan Town.
    • Let’s relish the opportunity to explore this charming village and enjoy activities with Charlie Lee, the creator of Xilinshan Ancient Tea.

Day 6 Xilinshan Tea Factory-Anhe -Xueshan Town-100KM/3 hours-Lincang

Sightseeing and Activities: Xilinshan Tea Plantation, Xilinshan Tea Factory, Tea Picking and Tea Making, Xueshan Town Tea Resourses Forum
Accommodation: Lincang
Meals: Breakfast

  • A Morning of Tea Delights
    • Today, you’ll immerse ourselves in the art of Dianhong Black Tea making and tea picking in Xilinshan tea plantation, nestled in the picturesque Anhe Village(安和村).
    • Get ready to experience the serene beauty of the tea fields and learn about the traditional tea-making process.
  • A Sip of Culture
    • After your tea adventure, you’ll head to Xueshan Town for a delicious lunch, followed by a tea culture conference with local officials.
    • Take this opportunity to gain insight into the rich cultural heritage of the region.
  • A Soothing Sojourn
    • As the day unfolds, you’ll transfer to Nanqiao Reservoir and make our way to the natural Dakongbeng Hot Spring(大控蚌温泉), a tranquil oasis surrounded by lush greenery.
    • Treat yourselves to a rejuvenating experience by cooking eggs prepared by us in the wild hot spring.
  • A Night of Cultural Fusion
    • In the evening, you’ll continue our journey to Yunxian County and then on to Lincang City.
    • Meet with local officials for a dinner together, followed by a Wa ethnic bonfire party with the Wa ethnic people.
    • Enjoy an unforgettable night of cultural exchange and merriment under the stars.
  • A Comfortable Rest
    • As our day comes to a close, you’ll retire to our accommodation in Lincang City, feeling refreshed and invigorated after a day filled with new experiences and connections.

Day 7 Lincang-Xigui-Bingdao-Mengku

Sightseeing and Activities: Xigui Tea Mountain, Bingdao Tea Mountain
Accommodation: Mengku
Meals: Breakfast

  • A Journey to Xi Gui’s Ancient Tea Charm
    • You’ll begin a morning drive to visit the enchanting Xigui Ancient Tea Garden, a haven of tranquility nestled along the banks of the Lancang-Mekong River.
    • The fertile soil and rich calcium content of the riverbed create an ideal environment for tea cultivation.
  • Exploring Manglu Tea Mountain
    • As you make your way to Xigui, we’ll stop at Manglu Tea Mountain, where the scenic views of the riverbank and lush greenery await.
    • Visit the Xigui tea factory and indulge in a delightful lunch at a local family’s home.
    • You’ll also explore Nahan and Manggan tea villages, immersing ourselves in the region’s rich tea culture.
  • A Taste of Bing Dao’s Unique Charm
    • Bing Dao Puerh, named after its village of origin, Bing Dao Village in Mengku County, Yunnan Province, is a rare and unique tea experience.
    • This tea is made from ancient tea trees over 300 years old, grown on the sunny side of Bang Ma Mountain at an altitude of over 2500 meters.
    • With its sweet, rich flavor and pleasant aftertaste, Bing Dao is a true delight.
  • A Day of Tea Discovery
    • After exploring Bing Dao Village, you’ll visit Dijie Village and experience the traditional tea-making process firsthand.
    • Enjoy a delicious lunch amidst the picturesque surroundings and immerse yourself in the local culture. Visit five other villages in the area: Bingdao Laozhai, Bawai, Nanpo, Nuowu Village, and Dijie Village.
  • Unwind in Mengku Town
    • As the day draws to a close, you’ll return to Mengku Town, where you can unwind at a local hostel amidst the serene surroundings of the tea mountain.
    • For those interested, an optional visit to Xiaohusai Tea Village and Dahusai Village awaits in the late afternoon.

Day 8 Mengku-Jingmai

Sightseeing and Activities: Lancang County, Menglian County, Jingmai Tea Mountain
Accommodation: Jingmai
Meals: Breakfast

  • A Morning Adventure to Jingmai Mountain
    • Begin your day with a scenic drive of approximately five and a half hours to Bing Dao Puerh, nestled between Menglian and Lancang Counties.
    • As you ascend the hill, you’ll have the opportunity to witness the bustling activity of the “tea bosses” at work.
  • Exploring Jingmai’s Ancient Tea Gardens
    • Upon reaching the top, marvel at the stunning ancient tea gardens, the largest of their kind in the world.
    • Situated deep in the Southwest corner of Yunnan Province, Jingmai’s remote location has allowed it to preserve its unique biodiversity and traditional tea cultivation methods, untouched by modernization.
  • A Hidden Gem of Tea Production
    • Jingmai’s ancient forests border Burma and conceal hidden smuggler trade routes still in use today.
    • This enigmatic region has remained unchanged for centuries, offering a glimpse into a bygone era.
    • The Chinese government has recognized Jingmai’s significance and submitted an application for “Ancient Tea Plantations of Jingmai Mountain” to become a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013.

Day 9 Jingmai Tea Mountain

Sightseeing and Activities:Learn Puer tea-making process,  Wengji Village, Jingmai Village and Mangjing Village
Accommodation: Jinghong
Meals: Breakfast

  • Mount Jingmai’s Morning Awakening
    • Start your day with a breathtaking sunrise view of Jingmai Tea Mountain, and then embark on a leisurely hike through the tea mountains. Visit Wengji Village, Jingmai Village, and Mangjing Village, immersing yourself in the local culture and natural beauty.
  • Embracing the Mountain Air
    • Awaken to the crisp mountain air and take a stroll through Jingmai Village, experiencing the authentic local culture firsthand.
    • Take the opportunity to visit some families and learn about the traditional tea processing methods that have been passed down through generations.
  • Jingmai Mountain: The Birthplace of Pu’er Tea
    • Located in Huimin Township, Lancang Lahu Autonomous County, Pu’er City, Jingmai Mountain is situated at the intersection of Xishuangbanna, Pu’er, and Myanmar. This picturesque region is renowned for its Pu’er tea production, with ancient tea gardens sprawling across 28,000 mu in Jingmai and Mangjing.
    • The region comprises 28 villages, including Banggai Village (帮改村), Longbang Village(笼蚌村), Nanzuo Village(南座村), Nanai Village (那耐村), Jingmai Dazhai Village(景迈大寨村), Mengben Village(勐本村), Manggeng Village(芒埂村), Nuogan Village(糯干村), Manghong Village(翁哇村), Wengwa Village (翁哇村), Wengji Village(翁基村), and Laojiufang Village (老酒房村). Each village produces its own unique tea leaves, collectively known as “Pu’er Tea in Jingmai Mountain”, offering a distinct flavor profile.

Day 10 Jingmai-Menghai County-Jinghong

Sightseeing and Activities:Jingzhen Octagonal Pavilion, Nannuoshan Mountain
Accommodation: Jinghong
Meals: Breakfast

  • A Morning Drive to Menghai County
    • Begin your day with a scenic drive to Menghai County, where you’ll have the opportunity to visit the historic Jingzhen Octagonal Pavilion.
  • Exploring Nannuoshan Mountain Tea Plantation
    • After a two-and-a-half hour drive, arrive at the renowned Nannuoshan Mountain tea plantation in Menghai County.
    • This world-famous tea plantation is home to the legendary “King of Tea Tree,” a majestic 800+ year old tree that has been carefully cultivated by humans.
    • The region’s unique combination of fine tea tree varieties and superior natural conditions yields exceptional Nannuo Mountain tea products.
  • Nannuo Mountain Peacock Tea: A Delightful Brew
    • Indulge in the exquisite Nannuo Mountain Peacock tea, a 400 gram fresh Pu-erh cake with a green, glossy luster.
    • The plump, strong, and tender leaves and buds unfurl with prominent fine hair when brewed.
    • The resulting tea liquor is a bright golden yellow with a strong yet mellow and refreshing flavor, featuring a sharp kougan (feeling in the mouth) and stimulating salivation. The tea boasts a robust and distinctive aroma that will leave you wanting more.
  • Jinghong City Awaits
    • After your tea-filled morning, continue your journey to Jinghong City, where new adventures await.

Day 11 Jinghong-Yiwu

Sightseeing and Activities: Yiwu Old Town, local family, tea mountains and plantation
Accommodation: Yiwu
Meals: Breakfast

  • A Journey to Yiwu Town: Unveiling the Past
    • Today, start a journey to Yiwu Town, a charming destination that once thrived during the era of tea trade.
    • Explore the historic town center and discover the stele erected during the Qing Dynasty, which tells the story of the region’s tea trade history.
  • Steeped in Tradition: Pu’er Tea Production
    • Visit the traditional tea-making families in Yiwu Old Town, who still produce Pu’er Tea using ancient methods passed down through generations.
    • Witness the art of tea-making firsthand and gain insight into the rich cultural heritage of this esteemed tea variety.
  • A Tea Mountain Oasis
    • After exploring the town, venture into the tea mountains and plantations, where you’ll find lush greenery and rolling hills.
    • Take in the breathtaking views and learn about the region’s unique terroir, which contributes to the distinct flavor profiles of Yiwu’s Pu’er Tea.

Day 12 Yiwu-Menglun-Jinghong

Sightseeing and Activities: Menglun Botanical Garden, Jinghong City,Gaozhuang Night Market
Accommodation: Jinghong
Meals: Breakfast

  • A Morning Awakening: A Journey to Menglun Botanical Garden
    • Begin your day by rising with the sun and setting off to visit the majestic Menglun Botanical Garden, located approximately 80 kilometers from Jinghong City in Menglai county.
  • A Haven of Biodiversity
    • Menglun Botanical Garden, established in 1959 by renowned Chinese botanists, including Prof. Cai Xitao, is the largest tropical botanical garden in China.
    • Spanning over 900 hectares, this haven boasts an astonishing collection of over 4000 species of tropical plants, many of which are rare and hard to find elsewhere.
  • A Colorful Botanical Landscape
    • As you wander through the garden’s lush greenery, you’ll be treated to a kaleidoscope of colors and a symphony of scents.
    • The garden’s unique botanical landscape is a testament to the dedication and expertise of its founders, who have worked tirelessly to preserve and showcase the wonders of the tropical world.

Day 13 Departure from Jinghong

Sightseeing and Activities: Departure from Jinghong
Meals: Breakfast

 You will fly from Jinghong to Kunming.
Service ends.

Recommended Hotels

City 5 Star 4 Star 3 Star Hostel
Kunming Soluxe Hotel James Joyce Coffetel Yuhu Garden Hotel Local Guesthouse
Fengqing Fengqing Wyndham Hotels & Resorts Dianhong Hotel Fengqing Puningyu Courtyard Inn Local Guesthouse
Lincang Joy Style Hotel Golden Begonia Dong Gang Hotel Lincang Yunchen Hotel Local Guesthouse
Mengku / / Shibazhai Hotel Local Guesthouse
Jingmai Jingmai Brilliant Resort and Spa Jingmai Bolian Resort & Spa Lancang Guchaju Inn Bulang Pricess Guesthouse
Jinghong Jinghong InterContinental Hotel Dai Garden Hotel Duchang Hotel Jinghong Daixiang Vocational Hotel
Xilinshan Camping in Xilinshan tea mountain Camping in Xilinshan tea mountain Camping in Xilinshan tea mountain Camping in Xilinshan tea mountain

Service Included:

1. Admission fees for all of the sightseeing spots listed in the itinerary;
2. Meals as listed in the itinerary;
3.Accommodation with breakfast as listed in the itinerary;
4.Private English-speaking tour guide and vehicle for transfers & sightseeing;
5.Service charge & government taxes;
6. Luggage transfers between airports and hotels;
7. Two bottles of mineral water each day;
8.Travel Agency’s Responsibility Insurance.
9. Train tickets from Kunming to Dali;
10.Domestic air tickets from Puer to Kunming(Economy Class).

Service Excluded:

1.Any arrival and departure international airfares or train tickets;
2.Chinese visa fees;
3.Excess baggage charged by Airlines;
4.Single room supplement;
5.Tips to guides and drivers;
6.Personal expenses and gratuities to service staff;
7.Personal travel accident insurance;
8.All optional programs.