Dianhong Black Tea was Born in 1938

The Birth of “Dianhong Tea” in 1938 and its Naming in 1940

Historical Background:

In November 1938, “Dianhong Tea” was first produced, initially named “Yunhong” (云红). By April 1940, it was officially renamed “Dianhong” (滇红).

Development Process:

In mid-October 1938, Feng Shaoqiu and his team began their journey on foot from Xiaguan. After walking for over ten days, they arrived in Shunning (now Fengqing) in early November. The day after their arrival, they arranged to pick 4000 grams of fresh leaves (one bud with two leaves) from Fengshan Tea Garden. These leaves were processed into 500 grams each of black and green tea, which were then sent as samples to the Hong Kong tea market. The samples were highly praised as “the best among Chinese black and green teas.”

In his recollections, Feng Shaoqiu vividly described the trial production of “Dianhong samples”: “Everything went very smoothly. The two tea samples, one black and one green, were like gold and silver, making one extremely pleased. The black tea sample: a tray full of golden yellow hairs, the liquor was a bright and deep red, the leaf base was brilliantly red (orange-red), and the aroma was rich, which was unseen in black teas from other provinces with small-leaf varieties.”

Quality Characteristics of “Dianhong Tea”:

  • Liquor Color: Bright red
  • Taste: Mellow and smooth
  • Leaf Base: Brilliant red
  • Aroma: Rich and strong
  • Aftertaste: Sweet and lingering

This detailed process highlights the meticulous efforts in developing and refining “Dianhong Tea,” leading to its esteemed position in the market.


