Taoyuan Mosque in Luxi County, Honghe

Chinese Name: 沪西桃园清真寺
English Name: Taoyuan Mosque
Location: Taoyuan Village, Baishui Township, Luxi County, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province

Taoyuan Mosque’s exact founding date is unknown. It suffered significant damage during the Cultural Revolution but was rebuilt after the end of that period. Today, it covers an area of 6 mu (approximately 0.4 hectares).

History and Development

Taoyuan Mosque’s origins are uncertain, but it faced destruction during the sixth year of the Qing Xianfeng era (1856) when Hui people in Taoyuan Village joined Du Wenxiu’s uprising against the Qing dynasty. After the rebellion’s failure, the mosque was rebuilt on its original site in 1914. During the Cultural Revolution, it underwent severe damage, resulting in the destruction of many valuable plaques. Only one plaque, bearing the inscription “知信行诚” (Knowledge, Faith, Action, Sincerity), remains today. After the restoration of religious policies, it once again became a place of worship for the local Muslim community.

Architectural Features

The mosque occupies an area of 6 mu. The main prayer hall is designed in a single-eave gable-and-hip style, covering an area of 180 square meters. The mosque also houses the Awen School.

Community and Cultural Exchange

Taoyuan Village’s Muslim community has approximately 560 households totaling around 3,000 people, all of whom are Hui Muslims. The village is located in a remote area with limited transportation access and faces economic challenges.

Geographic and Transportation Information

Address: Taoyuan Village, Baishui Township, Luxi County, Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province