Heluo Mosque in Luxi County, Honghe

Honghe Heluo Mosque in Luxi County travel guide introduces the main attractions, entrance tickets booking, The best time to visit, How to Get there, the highlights, facts, history, photos, weather, accommodation, visiting routes, travel tips, tour maps of Heluo Mosque in Honghe.

Chinese Name: 沪西河洛清真寺
English Name: Heluo Mosque in Luxi County, Honghe

Location: Baishui Township (白水乡), Huxi County, Yunnan Province, China.

Historical Background:

  • Established in 1984 in Heluo Village. Due to the small population of Hui Muslims in the village and limited economic resources, historically, the mosque was associated with Jumu Village Mosque for prayers. After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, it was affiliated with Songshu Village Mosque.
  • In 1984, the Huxi County government allocated 2000 yuan, and villagers raised over 4000 yuan to construct the initial three prayer halls. By 1990, six additional rooms were added, and in 1993, three more halls and two water rooms were built.

Architectural Features:

  • The mosque’s main prayer hall is constructed in a traditional adobe style, covering an area of 240 square meters.
  • The total area of the mosque’s buildings today is 400 square meters.

Community and Present Condition:

  • The mosque serves 37 households and 205 Hui Muslims.
  • It plays a significant role in religious and community activities for local Muslims in Baishui Township, Huxi County.

Cultural Significance:

  • The mosque’s multiple constructions over the years reflect the community’s efforts to maintain and expand their religious facilities despite economic challenges.
  • It stands as a cultural and religious center, preserving the heritage and practices of the Hui Muslim community in Huxi County, Yunnan.

Heluo Mosque continues to be an important institution for the Hui Muslims of Baishui Township, providing a place for worship, education, and community gatherings.