Map of The Ancient Tea Horse Road in Yunnan

The Ancient Tea Horse Road was a network of trade routes stretching across Yunnan, Sichuan, Tibet, and beyond, used primarily for transporting tea and other goods between China and Tibet. Here’s an overview of the route and some key points:

  1. Route: The Ancient Tea Horse Road had several branches, but the main route started from southern Yunnan, passed through Pu’er (Simao), Dali, Lijiang, Shangri-La (Zhongdian), and then into Tibet. From there, it extended into India, Bhutan, and Nepal.
  2. Pu’er to Dali: This section of the road passes through Pu’er (Simao), known for its tea production, and leads to Dali, where traders would gather tea for transport.
  3. Dali to Lijiang: From Dali, the road continues northward through the beautiful landscapes of Erhai Lake and the Cangshan Mountains to Lijiang, a key trading hub and cultural center.
  4. Lijiang to Shangri-La: Continuing northwest from Lijiang, the road heads towards Shangri-La (Zhongdian), passing through mountainous terrain and high-altitude plateaus.
  5. Historical Sites: Along the Ancient Tea Horse Road, you can find ancient caravan inns (called “caravanserais”), stone bridges, and sections of the original cobblestone road that once facilitated trade between ethnic groups and cultures.
  6. Cultural Significance: The route not only facilitated trade but also cultural exchange between Han Chinese, Tibetan, Bai, Naxi, and other ethnic groups. It played a crucial role in the spread of Buddhism and other cultural practices across the region.

To find detailed maps or specific routes for hiking or travel purposes, I recommend checking with local tourist offices in Yunnan or using online resources that specialize in historical routes and trails. These sources often provide detailed maps, historical information, and current conditions for travelers interested in exploring the Ancient Tea Horse Road.