Barbecue in Dehong

In Dehong Prefecture, barbecue (烧烤) is a popular dining experience that blends local flavors with traditional cooking methods. Here are some must-try barbecue dishes and places to enjoy them in Dehong:

Must-Try Barbecue in Dehong

1. Grilled Fish (烤鱼)

  • Description: Fresh fish, often tilapia or local river fish, is marinated in a blend of spices and herbs, then grilled over an open flame. It’s typically served with chili sauce, garlic, and herbs, offering a spicy and savory flavor.
  • Best Place to Try: Look for local barbecue stalls along riversides or in markets in towns like Ruili.

2. Grilled Meat Skewers (烤串)

  • Description: Skewers of marinated meat, such as lamb, beef, chicken, or pork, are grilled to perfection over charcoal or open flames. The marinades often include a mix of spices, chili paste, and herbs, giving the meat a robust and smoky flavor.
  • Best Place to Try: Street vendors and small barbecue joints are abundant in Mangshi and other towns, offering a variety of grilled skewers.

3. Barbecued Stuffed Tofu (烤豆腐)

  • Description: Tofu is stuffed with a savory mixture of minced meat, vegetables, and spices, then grilled until golden and crispy on the outside. It’s a popular vegetarian option that’s full of flavor.
  • Best Place to Try: Local markets and food streets in Mangshi and Ruili offer delicious barbecued stuffed tofu.

4. Roasted Corn (烤玉米)

  • Description: Fresh corn on the cob is roasted over hot coals until the kernels are caramelized and slightly charred. It’s often brushed with butter and sprinkled with salt or chili powder for added flavor.
  • Best Place to Try: Look for street vendors and outdoor markets in Dehong towns, particularly during the corn harvesting season.

5. Grilled Mushrooms (烤菌类)

  • Description: Local wild mushrooms, such as matsutake or porcini, are marinated and grilled to bring out their earthy flavors. They’re often served with garlic, herbs, and a drizzle of soy sauce.
  • Best Place to Try: Visit local markets and specialty mushroom farms around Dehong for a taste of grilled mushrooms.

Where to Enjoy Barbecue in Dehong

  • Street Markets: Explore bustling markets in Mangshi and Ruili, where numerous vendors set up barbecue stalls offering a variety of grilled delicacies.
  • Local Restaurants: Many restaurants in Dehong specialize in barbecue dishes, providing a cozy environment to enjoy grilled meats and local specialties.

Barbecue in Dehong is not just a meal but a cultural experience, where locals and visitors alike gather to savor delicious grilled foods in an outdoor setting, often accompanied by lively conversations and a relaxed atmosphere.