The Best Puer Tea Plantations in Yunnan

Yunnan’s rich tea culture, diverse tea varieties, and beautiful tea landscapes truly make it a treasure for tea enthusiasts and visitors alike. Whether you’re exploring the ancient tea mountains, enjoying a cup of Puerh tea, or discovering the unique flavors of Yunnan’s teas, there’s always something magical about experiencing tea in its homeland.

Puerh Tea Mountains:

  1. Menghai Tea Mountain (勐海茶山)
    • Location: Menghai County, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.
    • Details: Known for its ancient tea trees, some over a thousand years old. Menghai tea is prized for its rich flavor and smoothness, ideal for both raw and ripe Puerh teas.
  2. Nannuo Mountain (南糯山)
    • Location: Menghai County, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.
    • Details: Famous for its ancient tea trees and distinctive flavor profile. Nannuo tea is often characterized by its floral and fruity notes, attributed to the unique terroir of the region.
  3. Bulang Mountain (布朗山)
    • Location: Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.
    • Details: Known for its strong and bold Puerh teas, Bulang Mountain produces teas with a robust flavor and deep color. The region’s tea gardens are often found at higher elevations, contributing to the quality of the tea.
  4. Youle Mountain (攸乐山)
    • Location: Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.
    • Details: Renowned for its ancient tea trees and the unique Youle Puerh tea. Youle tea is prized for its complex flavors, often exhibiting a balance of sweetness and bitterness with a lingering aftertaste.
  5. Wuliang Mountain (无量山)
    • Location: Jingdong County, Pu’er City.
    • Details: A mountainous area known for its high-altitude tea gardens. Wuliang tea is esteemed for its refreshing aroma and delicate taste, favored by tea connoisseurs for its nuanced flavors.
  6. Jingmai Mountain (景迈山)
    • Location: Lancang Lahu Autonomous County, Pu’er City.
    • Details: Home to ancient tea gardens and a variety of Puerh tea cultivars. Jingmai tea is celebrated for its smooth and mellow taste, often with floral and fruity undertones.
  7. Mansong Mountain (曼松山)
    • Location: Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture.
    • Details: Known for its ancient tea trees and the production of high-quality raw Puerh tea. Mansong tea is prized for its rich and complex flavors, with teas from older trees highly sought after.

Puerh Tea Plantations:

  1. Xishuangbanna
    • Details: One of the largest regions for Puerh tea production in Yunnan, encompassing various tea mountains and plantations producing both raw and ripe Puerh teas.
  2. Fengqing County
    • Details: Famous for Dianhong black tea and Puerh tea production. Fengqing’s tea gardens produce a wide range of Puerh teas, known for their smooth and malty flavors.
  3. Menghai County
    • Details: Apart from ancient tea trees, Menghai is known for its large tea plantations that supply both local and international markets with high-quality Puerh teas.
  4. Baoshan
    • Details: Particularly known for Wuliang Mountain tea, Baoshan’s tea plantations benefit from the region’s high-altitude climate, contributing to the unique characteristics of its Puerh teas.
  5. Simao (Puer) City
    • Details: A major hub for Puerh tea processing and distribution, with numerous tea plantations in surrounding areas contributing to its reputation as a center of Puerh tea culture.

These regions not only offer exceptional teas but also provide insights into the rich cultural and historical significance of Puerh tea in Yunnan. Visiting these areas allows enthusiasts to experience tea picking, processing, and tasting firsthand, immersing themselves in the world of Puerh tea.

Chinese Name: 云南最好的普洱茶区
English Name: The Best Puer Tea Plantations in Yunnan
Keywords: Lincang tea are(临沧茶区), Mengla tea area(勐腊茶区), Menghai tea area(勐海茶区), Puer tea area(普洱茶区)

  1. Lincang Tea Area
  • Bingdao Tea(冰岛茶); [Mengku Town(勐库镇), Shuangjiang County(双江县)]
  • Xiaohusai Tea(小户赛茶);(Mengku Tea勐库茶, Daxueshan Wild Tea大雪山野茶).[ Mengku Town(勐库镇), Shuangjiang County(双江县)]
  • Baiyingsshan Tea(白莺山茶);(Benshan Tea本山茶, Ergazi Tea二嘎子茶, Heitiaozi tea黑条子茶).[ Manwan Town漫湾镇, Yunxian County云县]
  • Xigui Tea(昔归茶)[ Bangdong Town邦东乡, Linxiang District临翔区]
  • Bangdong Tea [Bangdong Town邦东乡, Linxiang District临翔区]
  • Dongxu Tea(东旭茶) [Bangdong Town邦东乡, Linxiang District临翔区; Dachaoshan, Yunxian County云县大朝山]
  • Matai Tea[ Matai Town马台乡, Linxiang District临翔区]
  • Xiangzhuqing Tea(香竹箐茶)(Mengku Tea勐库茶, Dashan Tea大山茶)
  • Pinghe Tea平河茶 (Mengku Tea勐库茶, Benshan Tea本山茶).[Dasi Town大寺乡, Fengqing County凤庆县]
  • Chafang Tea 茶房茶[Chafang Town茶房乡, Yunxian County云县]
  1. Mengla Tea Area
  • Gumanche 古慢撤 (Mahei Village麻黑, Luoshuidong Village落水洞, Guafengzhai Village刮风寨, Wangong Village弯弓, Yishangmo Village一扇磨). [ Yiwuxiang Town易武乡]
  • Mangzhuan蛮砖(Manzhuang Village曼庄, Manlin Village曼林, Manqian Village曼迁, Bazongzhai Village八总寨, etc)[Xiangming Town象明乡]
  • Gedeng 革登 (Zhibang Village 值蚌, Xinfa Village新发, etc.). [Xiangming Town象明乡]
  • Mangzhi莽枝; (Yanglin Village秧林, Dongjiazhai Village董家寨, etc.)[Xiangming Town象明乡]
  • Youle攸乐; (Yanu Village亚诺, Longpashan Village龙帕山, Situ Laozhai Village司土老寨, Mozhuo Village么卓, Bapiao Village巴飘, etc.)[Jimuo Town基诺乡, Jinghong City景洪巿]
  • Yibang倚邦; (Mansong Village曼松, Xikong Village嶍崆, Jiabu Village架布, Mangong Village曼拱, etc.)[Xiangming Town象明乡, Mengla County勐腊县]
  1. Menghai Tea Area
  • Bulangshan(布朗山)(Laobanzhang Village老班章, Xinbanzhang Village新班章, Laomane Village老曼峨, Zhangjia Village章家, etc.).[Bulangshan Town布朗山乡]
  • Hekaishan贺开山; (Bangpen Laozhai Village邦盆老寨, Guangbie Laozhai Village广別老寨, Manlong Laozhai Village曼竜老寨, Mannong Laozhai Village曼弄老寨, Manmai Laozhai Village曼迈老寨,etc.). [Menghun Town勐混镇]
  • Nannuo Mountain南糯山(Banpo Laozhai Villag半坡老寨, Nanla Laozhai Village南拉老寨, Bama Village拨玛, etc.). [Hexiang Town和乡, Gelang 格朗]
  • Pasha Tea帕沙茶;(Pasha Laozhai Village帕沙老寨, Pasha Xinzhai Village帕沙新寨, Pasha Zhongzhai Village帕沙中寨, etc.). [Hexiang Town和乡, Gelang格朗]
  • Guanshuang Tea关双茶(Manpa Village曼帕, Manhuai Village曼怀, etc.). [Mengman Town勐满镇]
  • Naka Tea娜卡茶 [Mengsong Town勐宋乡]
  • Baotang Tea保塘茶;(Baotang Xinzhai Village保塘新寨, Baotang Laozhai Village保塘旧寨). [Mengsong Town勐宋乡]
  • Mannuo Tea曼糯茶 [Mengwang Town勐往乡]
  • Badashan Tea巴达山茶;(Zhanglang Village章朗, Manmai Village曼迈, etc.). [Xiding Town西定乡]
  1. Puer Tea Area
  • Jingmaishan Tea景迈山茶;(Mangjing Village芒景, Jingmai Village景迈). [Huiming Town惠民乡, Lancang County澜沧县]
  • Bangwai Tea邦崴茶 [Fudong Town富东乡, Lancang County澜沧县]
  • Dongkahe Tea东卡河茶 [Donglang Town东朗乡, Lancang County澜沧县]
  • Pasai Tea帕赛茶 [Wendong Town文东乡, Lancang County澜沧县]
  • Kunlushan Tea困鹿山茶;(ancient wild tea野生古茶)[Ninger County宁洱县]
  • Xinzhai Tea新寨茶 [Mohei Town磨黑镇, Ninger County宁洱县]
  • Kuzhushan Tea苦竹山茶 [Jinggu Town景谷乡, Jinggu County景谷县]
  • Wenshanding Tea文山顶茶 [Jinggu Town景谷乡, Jinggu County景谷县]
  • Huangcaoba Tea黄草坝茶 [Zhengxing Town正兴镇, Jinggu County景谷县]
  • Midi Tea迷帝茶 [Xinfu Town新抚乡, Mojiang County墨江县
  • Jingxing Tea景星茶 [Jingxing Town景星乡, Mojiang County墨江县]
  • Laohaitang Tea老海塘茶 [Tianba Town田坝乡, Zhenyuan County镇沅县]
  • Madeng Tea马邓茶 [Zhedong Town者东镇, Zhenyuan County镇沅县]
  • Laowushan Tea老乌山茶 [Anban Town按板镇, Zhenyuan County镇沅县]
  • Chashanqing Tea茶山箐茶 [Tianba Town田坝乡, Zhenyuan County镇沅县]
  • Damaidi Tea大麦地茶 [Zhedong Town者东镇, Zhenyuan County镇沅县
  • Laocang Fude Tea老仓福德茶 [Wenlong Town文龙乡 and Anding Town安定乡, Jingdong County景东县]
  • Jinding Tea金鼎茶 [Linjie Town林街乡, Jingfu Town景福乡, Dongzhen Town东镇, Jingdong County景东县]
  • Manwan Tea漫湾茶 [Manwan Town漫湾镇, Jingdong County景东县]
  • Ailaoshan Xipo Tea哀牢山西坡茶 [Huashan Town花山乡, Dajie Town大街乡, Taizhong Town太忠乡 and Longjie Town龙街乡 in Jingdong County景东县]
  • Yubi Tea御笔茶 [Jinping Town 锦屏镇 and Wenjing Town文井镇in Jingdong County景东县]
  • Chnagdishan Tea长地山茶 [Wenjing Town文井镇, Jingdong County景东县]
  • Tianfang Tea田房茶 [Guoqing Town国庆乡, Jiangcheng County江城县]
  • Bobie Tea博别茶 [Guoqing Town国庆乡, Jiangcheng County江城县]
  • Lafu Tea腊福茶; (Lafu Ancient Tea腊福古茶, the wild tea in Lafu Daheishan Mountain腊福大黑山野生茶) [Mengma Town勐马镇, Menglian County孟连县]
  • Mangzhong Tea芒中茶 [Nayun Town娜允镇, Menglian County孟连县]