Zhang Chengren – Inheritor of the Art of Dianhong Tea Production

Zhang Chengren – Inheritor of the Art of Dianhong Tea Production

Zhang Chengren, a Han Chinese from Fengqing County, Yunnan Province, is a recognized inheritor of the traditional craft of Dianhong tea production, a national intangible cultural heritage.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China announced the fifth batch of national-level intangible cultural heritage representative inheritors, and Zhang Chengren, the director of the Tea Science Research Institute of Dianhong Group, was named as a national-level representative inheritor.

Zhang Chengren has dedicated 30 years of his career to the frontline of tea planting, processing, and scientific research, making significant contributions to the development of the tea industry in his humble position. He is a provincial inheritor of the “Dianhong Tea Production Techniques” and a senior engineer at the Yunnan Dianhong Group Co., Ltd.’s Tea Science Research Institute.

Zhang Chengren graduated from Fengqing Tea Vocational Technical School in July 1987 and started working at the Fengqing County Tea Bureau in August of the same year. Beginning with basic tasks in tea planting and processing, he embarked on a lifelong career in the tea industry. In October 1990, he was transferred to Yunnan Fengqing Tea Factory, focusing on tea base construction. Since January 1997, he has worked at Yunnan Dianhong Group Co., Ltd., engaging in tea cultivation, initial processing, product development, and research on tea processing. His extensive grassroots practice has enabled him to accumulate rich production experience and master technical essentials. He has achieved significant results in the selection of new tea tree varieties, the development of new tea products, tea production techniques, and the inheritance and protection of Dianhong tea production skills.

Over the years, Zhang Chengren has devoted himself to collecting and protecting tea germplasm resources, collecting rare and endangered tea materials, and continuously exploring Fengqing tea planting techniques. Through his efforts, the number of preserved tea germplasm resources increased from over 60 to more than 1,000. In promoting low-yield tea garden transformation technology in Fengqing County, Zhang guided farmers to complete the transformation of over 3,000 acres of low-yield tea gardens within three years, achieving doubled output, improved tea quality, and increased economic benefits. In tea garden planning and planting, he summarized the successful experience of “dense planting for high yield” in new tea garden development. He explored modern tea garden management techniques, including winter pruning of tea trees and mechanical harvesting, weeding, and no-till management techniques, achieving successful experiences and promoting them.

As a party member and a senior tea engineer, Zhang Chengren is always innovative and takes the lead in his work. He proactively organized experiments on new tea processes and products, leading his team to develop new Dianhong products such as “Classic 58,” “Dianhong Jinqu,” “Plateau Red,” and “China Red.” The successful development of “Classic 58” in 2006 filled the gap of special-shaped Dianhong tea, promoting product upgrades and exploring the potential red tea market. This achievement won the third prize of the Lincang Science and Technology Award in 2008. “Classic 58” and “Dianhong Jinqu” won the first prize in the 2009 National Famous Tea Competition. “Plateau Red” and “China Red,” with their unique quality styles, are popular among consumers and have become high-end market products.

In his leisure time, Zhang Chengren enjoys visiting tea mountains, where he feels a deep connection with the tea trees. In 2014, he was named a provincial inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage “Dianhong Tea Production Techniques” (the fourth-generation inheritor of “Dianhong Tea Production Techniques”) by the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture. Zhang feels gratified by society’s recognition of his dedication to the practice of Dianhong tea production techniques.

Honors and Awards

  • On December 28, 2017, Zhang was included in the recommended list of the fifth batch of national-level representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage.
  • In June 2022, he was evaluated as qualified in the 2021 annual transmission activities of Yunnan Province’s national-level intangible cultural heritage representative inheritors (public announcement).







平日里除了工作时间,张成仁有闲暇便到茶山里走走看看,对他而言,茶山茶树如同老友般熟悉和亲切。2014年,张成仁被云南省文化厅命名为非物质文化遗产“滇红茶制作技艺”省级传承人(“滇红茶制作技艺”第四代传承人)。“成绩是大家的,是同事的,如果没有平台,我一个人也不能做成什么……” 对于社会的认可,潜心滇红茶制作技艺实践的张成仁觉得很欣慰。
